The events of 9/11, along with the significant increase in terrorist events as we enter into 2016, create the need for companies being diligent in their import and export operations.
The connections between global security and trade compliance are evidenced by the regulatory actions taken by the United States and governments overseas where trade takes place.
NIWT provides education, training and consulting services to help companies operate globally and successfully.
Examples of our expertise:
- Domestic Distribution and Operations
- Sales, Customer Service and Business Development
- Personnel Deployment and Infrastructure Design
- ISF Compliance Evaluation
- C-TPAT Security Specialists
- AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Security Specialists
- Delivery of Customs Brokerage Services
- Hazardous Materials/GHS Certification and Training
- Marine Cargo and Export Credit Insurance
- Sarbanes-Oxley Audit Review
- Risk and Spend management
- Warehousing and Site Selection
- Inventory Management Practices
- Business Process Development
- FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
- Logistics Facilities Review
- Documentation and Letter of Credit Capabilities and Training
- Agent and Distribution Agreements
- Education and Training Programs
- Purchasing Transportation Services
- Valuation Review Services
- Harmonized Tariff Code Line Review
- Broker/Freight Forwarder Performance Review
- ISA Audit Ready Compliance Review
- Fulfillment Management Services
- Purchasing Management and Global Sourcing
- Legal and Accounting Issues in Global Trade
- Warehousing (FTZ and Bonded) & 3rd Party Feasibility Study